Our researchers prepare actionable reports and publications on the acquisition, outcomes and inequities of human and social capital across a range of topics, including pre-K–12 education, higher education and the labor market.
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Our researchers prepare actionable reports and publications on the acquisition, outcomes and inequities of human and social capital across a range of topics, including pre-K–12 education, higher education and the labor market.
Skills, Earnings, and Employment of Americans with Postsecondary Education Below the Bachelor’s Degree (Summer 2023). In recent years, interest has grown in expanding access to postsecondary education through non-degree certificate programs and associate degree programs. This policy report seeks to better understand the implications of these trends by analyzing employment experiences and earnings outcomes of individuals whose highest level of educational attainment is below the bachelor’s degree.
This series explores the importance of a key element of human capital — cognitive skills — that has only recently been available for adults for examination, along with educational credentials, in the United States. Using measures of the literacy and numeracy skills of American workers from the Programme for the International Assessment of Adult Competencies (PIAAC), this series examines the central role that these skills play, alongside years of work experience and educational attainment, in influencing a range of labor-market outcomes.