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PPAT® Assessment

Show that you're ready to begin teaching in a classroom and continue your professional growth

Select any step to learn more about your PPAT® assessment journey.


Building and Submitting Tasks for the PPAT Assessment

For the PPAT assessment, you’ll build tasks and submit task responses via your ETS account. You can submit any classroom-based activities that reflect effective teaching and support your everyday work, as long as they meet the task requirements and address the guiding prompts. During your student teaching assignment, you should collect multiple artifacts and videos in case you need to resubmit any tasks.

Review Dates and Deadlines to make sure you don’t miss any submission deadlines.


Written responses, artifacts and video

You’ll submit your task responses, artifacts and Task 4 video through your ETS account.


Be sure to download the following important documents:

For each task, you’ll submit a written response along with other types of evidence or artifacts, such as a lesson plan, scoring guides, anecdotal notes from students and student work samples.

For more about artifacts and how to determine the best artifacts to use as evidence, review the “Thinking About Evidence” section of the Handbook.

Each artifact must be linked to a textbox response. For instructions on how to enter your written responses and upload/attach artifacts, view the User Guide.

Video recording requirements and guidelines

For Task 4, you’ll submit a video recording taken from a continuous lesson on a single day during your clinical experience. You have the option of submitting one 15-minute video segment or one video composed of three 5-minute video segments. Your video segments can’t be edited; if they appear to be edited, you’ll receive a score of zero for the entire task. Video segments from different days or classes can’t be combined. The footage needs to be from a single lesson event.

You’ll need to get permission for anyone who appears or can be heard in your video for Task 4. Use the PPAT Assessment Permission Forms; district and school permission forms won’t be accepted.

For detailed information about the Task 4 video recording guidelines, tips and permission, view the Candidate and Educator Handbook.

Video uploading

The maximum file size for the video is 1.5 GB. View technical requirements and step-by-step instructions on how to upload your video in the User Guide.

Videos used for training purposes

The assessment video will be deleted from ETS systems approximately 12 months after the final scores are reported for the submission window, with the exception of videos that’ll be used for training purposes. If you don’t want your video to be used for training purposes, email and ETS will honor your request.


View the task requirements, response examples and required permission forms below. You’ll need this information to build your tasks and write your responses.

Task Requirements and Rubrics

View task requirements, rubrics and videos about each task.

Library of Examples

View task responses in each subject from previous test takers to see how your responses compare.

Permission Forms

You’ll need permission forms for anyone who appears in your video or photos, or whose work you submit as evidence.