Which of the following best describes why you’re here today?
Which of the following best describes why you’re here today?
KROSS S.A. created an English proficient workforce to become more competitive across Europe. See how Kross increases their employees’ English proficiency with the TOEIC® program.
At Fullchamp Technologies, English proficiency is a key factor in improving corporate global competitiveness. See how Fullchamp measures their employees’ English proficiency with the TOEIC program.
Chosun University uses TOEIC tests to become more competitive and help students become more employable after graduation. See how Chosun uses the TOEIC program to help accomplish these goals.
Having English communication skills provides me with a lot more opportunities. So having the TOEIC [test] helped me to apply for my dream job.
The TOEIC Listening and Reading test allows us to measure improvements in English proficiency, so KROSS S.A. can evaluate and clearly demonstrate the returns on investment in English-language training.
Małgorzata Sadłowska-Cal, KROSS S.A.
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