Words are generally grouped into meaningful phrases, but occasionally, punctuation is not marked appropriately, causing listener confusion (the commas are not marked correctly in the list “performance in the theater, a concert, or a sports event“).
Intonation is flat at times, and therefore does not always accurately convey the meaning of the text.
Speech is clear overall with only some mispronunciations (“changed“ is pronounced with two syllables, “chan-ged“ and “sports event“ is not intelligible). However, these do not affect overall intelligibility.
Sample response 2
Score description
This response was scored 4.
The reading is mostly fluid and intelligible, and words are grouped in meaningful phrases with effective pauses.
While the intonation does not always match the text, this does not prevent listener understanding of the text.
While the speaker’s L1 accent is noticeable, speech is still clear and distinct.